1.1 项目名称:南航名古屋站点配餐服务项目
1.2 项目编号:CZ******42
1.3 采购内容:南航股份公司在名古屋站点指定的进出港航班提供机上餐食配备及各项相关服务(含机供品及洗涤服务等)。
1.4 协议期限:自协议生效起3年,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。
1.5 需求说明:按照采购人提供的配餐和机供品配送计划以及采购人认可的餐谱按时按量为采购人航班提供餐食及机供品等其它相关服务,确保不因配餐/机供品配送原因导致采购人航班延误。
2. 公告及报名时间
2.1 公告及报名时间:2025年3月27日至2025年3月31日,如有意参加南航名古屋站点配餐采购,请务必于2025年3月31日下午17:00(北京时间)前通过电子邮件回复《确认参与函》扫描件(详见附件1);否则将无法参与本次采购!
3.1 响应文件递交的为2025年4月15日17时00分(北京时间),供应商应在截止时间前通过电子邮件递交响应文件。
3.2 逾期未递交的响应文件,采购人将予以拒收。
Announcement CZ Tender Announcement for Catering Service at Chu-bu Centrair International Airport (NGO)
Guangzhou Nanland Air Catering Co. Ltd Procurement Management Department(hereinafter referred to as “Purchaser”) intends to conduct procurement for Catering Service at Chu-bu Centrair International Airport (NGO).
Bidders receiving this RFP have declared their attention to participate, hereinafter referred to as “Bidder”.
The relevant details are as follows:
1. Introduction
1.1 Purchase Item:China Southern Airlines Company Limited Catering Service Procurement for NGO (Station)
1.2 Reference Number: CZ******42
1.3 Purchase Details: Catering service and other relevant services (including in-flight supplies and laundry service etc.) for CZ flights inbound and outbound at Chu-bu Centrair International Airport (NGO).
1.4 Contract Term: Three (3) years effective from the date as the agreement is concluded and signed by mutual parties.
1.5 Description of Requirements: Render on-time services including catering and in-flight supplies uplifting services pursuant to catering matrix & menu rotation provided and confirmed by the purchaser. Flight delay due to in-flight meal and other in-flight supplies uplifting shall be strictly avoided.
2. Announcement and Registration Time
Announcement and Registration Period:2025/3/27 to 2025/3/31. If you intend to participate in the tender of China Southern Airlines for catering service at Chu-bu Centrair International Airport(NGO), please confirm your intention by returning the Annex 1 Reply Slip before 17:00 (Beijing time) by 2025/3/31 (see Annex 1 Reply Slip). Late confirmation will not be accepted.
To: Natalie Hu; Fiona Fan
Email: ******; ******
3. Deadline for Submission of Final Proposal (deadline for quote submission)
3.1 The Final Proposal shall be submitted by 17:00 (Beijing time) on 2025/4/15, and the submission (in original) shall be sealed properly and shall reach the designated email address no later than the deadline indicated herein (email address designated in Article 3)
3.2 Late submission beyond the time frame will not be received or accepted.
4. Contact
Purchaser: Guangzhou Nanland Air Catering Co. Ltd.Procurement Management Department
Contact: Natalie Hu; Fiona Fan
Phone: 8620-******